Today, I'm bringing something a little different to my blog, which is really exciting for me and will hopefully open me up to new blog content!
The beautiful Jade over at Outside the Tower, who posts AMAZING content has tagged me to take part in the "Disney Era Tag". I am starting off with the Golden Era, and perhaps if people find this enjoyable to read, I shall work my way through. Please let me know in the comments if you would like me to work my way through the eras!
The Golden Era Movies are:- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo & Bambi.
1. Any unseen films?
No, I have seen all the films here.
2. What is your favourite film from this era?
This is a difficult one for me as the Golden Era is not my favourite Disney era, but I would have to say Bambi. I think this film is so so beautiful, despite how sad it is. I love the whole feel of the movie.
3. What is your least favourite film of the era?
I'm probably gonna have to go with Dumbo. This film is so beautiful and lovely, but I feel the least connected with this one out of all of them. And it also makes me ball like a baby.
4. Who is your favourite main character?
Bambi. I just love him. I didn't ever really enjoy Bambi, but recently I have really fallen in love with it.
5. Who is your favourite villain?
I think everyone's answer is going to be the same here - The Evil Queen. She's just, so evil. I love it.
6. Who is your favourite sidekick?
THUMPER! He's just so adorable, I want to just sit and cuddle him and listen to his cute little voice all day.
7. What is your favourite song from this era?
When You Wish Upon A Star. I think this song just takes me back to going to Disney with my family and is what Walt Disney stood for the most. It brings a tear to my eye. I also flashback to Disney Dreams at DLP and... *Sobs*
8. What do you consider to be the most underrated film of this era?
I gotta go with Fantasia here. A lot of people do not enjoy this movie as they do not really understand it. No need to understand it, just sit back and watch the beauty.
9. What is your favourite thing about this era?
Well, this is the era that started it all. The first classics that Walt Disney released. And just for that, I love them.
10. What is your least favourite thing about this era?
Personally, I find for myself these are the hardest films for me to find a connection with. None of the films in this era are in my top Disney movie list, purely just because I just don't connect much with these movies. They're still beautiful movies, all the same.
Thank you so much for giving this blog post a read. I really appreciate every single one of you taking time out of your day to read my posts and I love you all.
With magic, always
Hay x
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